Saturday, September 6, 2008

Autumn is approaching

Wanted to commend my wife Sweewawa on her excellent translations. Her project reminds me of a neat phenomenon in music. Lots of great jazz musicians spend lots of time "shedding" (practicing) by learning note-by-note the solos of famous jazz musicians that preceded them. You learn the "licks" and then when it is your time to improvize on stage you draw from your experience of having "translated" previous solos. Sweewawa is doing the same thing now with her translations, made all the more cool since these are not truly "note-for-note" but instead require her to create brand new wordings (like musical phrases) from the original Chinese. Love the last translation, it's beautiful!

Song of the Day: Autumn Leaves - Cannonball Adderley -- Autumn is fast approaching, I can feel it in the air today as we experience the deluge of Storm Hannah and the cooler temps. What a better way to celebrate it than with this classic jazz standard featuring Miles Davis on trumpet and Cannonball Adderley on sax. My favorite version of this tune.

Quote of the Day: "I always tell the truth. Even when I lie." --Tony Montana (Scarface)

Thought of the Day: Was recently being "pimped" by some radiologists on some obscure knowledge, and was asked "How did you know that?" when I got the answer right. Made me think of something from my childhood. When I was very young and I would come up with some miscellaneous fact that surprised my parents they would also ask "Where did you learn that?". My response: "My brain told me."

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