Monday, August 11, 2008

The Buddy

Song of the Day: Videotape - Radiohead

Quote of the Day: "Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind." -Dr. Seuss

Thought of the Day: Last night we had a scare as our beloved cat "The Buddy" jumped off our 2nd story porch and then was nowhere to be found. After much searching and a mostly sleepless night we still had no The Buddy and were fearing for the worst. Then this afternoon we got a call -- turns out an elderly neighbor had opened the door to his apartment and The Buddy had just run right in. The little furball must have realized his mistake early (that this wasn't the way into our building) and got really scared, and spent the night behind this neigbor's toilet out of his reach. Thankfully this morning the nice fellow was able to get The Buddy free, saw his tags, and gave us a call. What relief!! Definitely was a wake up call for us about (a) how fragile life can be and (b) that you should not take those close to you for granted. One sweet twist to the story -- our other cat Thenie, who acts almost a little autistic (really doesn't meow much or like to be picked up or anything) really surprised us during the whole endeavor. This usually completely silent cat spent the night alternating between meowing loudly off the porch or meowing at our bedroom door. Thenie is usually SO aloof, but this traumatic event really showed how important we are to her. Sometimes we don't give "autistic" Thenie the benefit of the doubt but we certainly should from now on . . .

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