Monday, August 18, 2008

Still studying . . .

Still studying for Step 2 CS. Will take the 8 hour exam from 3-11 PM on Thursday in Atlanta, GA. Then we'll take a couple day vacation to Charleston, SC. Looking forward to a little R&R following this intense summer of study!

For the song of the day today I include a link to one of the songs from my old band from Charlottesville. The band was called The Belding Principle, a play on words and reference to the cheesy 80's sitcom starring PrinciPAL Belding and the gang. I miss those days of fun music!

Song of the Day: The Belding Principle -- Permanent Fixture

Quote of the Day: "The fool doth think he is wise. But the wise man knows himself to be a fool." --William Shakespeare (the great playwright who spelled his name 8 different ways!)

Thought of the Day: Some of the best advice every given to me (from a family friend) is to be true to your word. If you say you're going to do something, do it. Even if it ends up being a real inconvenience, your word and character are more important than convenience.

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